Welcome to Lapford Save Our Heritage Group

We are a group of Lapford residents who wish to ensure the proposed redevelopment of our village centre is carried out in a sympathetic manner within the wishes and consent of the local residents. As our group name suggests, we are primarily concerned with saving the rural lifestyle and heritage treasured by generations of locals and to which we have become accustomed and content. Here we hope you will be able to unravel some of the confusion surrounding the proposed plans for our village centre.

 We aim to: 

    • Prevent the demolition of our 100-year old Victory Hall
    • Prevent the relocation of the village's play equipment from the existing playing fields to Lower Town Place
    • Prevent the loss of any green space in the existing playing field.
    • Ensure our Parish Council considers the entire community and not just HOLD.

How could this affect you
It has been suggested that some £800,000 will be required to accomplish redevelopment of the village centre as proposed by Heart of Lapford Development Ltd a Community Benefit Scheme established to handle the fund raising and development on behalf of the residents. The proposed new facilities appear to exceed by far that required or sustainable by the current population and more in keeping with an urban society. As urban dwellers migrate to rural areas seeking to live a cleaner, quieter lifestyle in a rural setting they can, often misguidedly, destroy the very charm and environment of which they once sought to become part.

Having difficulty finding answers to your concerns over the future of your village assets?

You can become a Registered User and submit your comments and questions for inclusion on this web site via the form below. We have a small team of non-partisan volunteers prepared to seek out and present the, often illusive, answers to the concerns you may have over the future of your village. You could also attend the next Parish Council meeting where you are permitted to ask one question each subject to submitting your intent to the Parish Clerk prior to that date.

Next Parish Council meeting on December 19th 2023 at 7.30 pm in the Orchard Centre

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